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Bell Aliant Pickle Lake Fibre Optic Project


Bell Aliant came to us to produce a video to provide insight to their employees about a massive undertaking in Northern Ontario. Bell Aliant committed to delivering reliable, broadband service to 26 First Nation communities in a vast and remote area. It took a considerable amount of staff and more than $100 million in financial resources. Due to the remote location, many of the Bell Aliant staff weren't familiar. This video was a way to change that and instill pride in the entire company for a great accomplishment.


With very little footage supplied to us from Bell Aliant staff using rudimentary video equipment, we produced a documentary-style video to be shown to all Bell Aliant employees internally and also, provide a historical record for this important company project. We adapted this to a short corporate-style non-narrated version in both French and English for second viewings at company meetings.


We produced the project, conducting research, interviewing employees, writing scripts, creating and gathering visuals, sound, narration as well as editing both the long and short versions.


We worked through a complex system of approvals, timelines that depended on the overall construction project and with a team that was scattered across Ontario and Atlantic Canada.  Our client representatives in Bell Aliant's communications division as well as the vice presidents for each corporate division were extremely pleased with the result. The videos created a new understanding among all employees, a feeling of pride and accomplishment among those employees who worked on "Pickle Lake" and congratulations from all levels on a job well-done.


Studio11 Creative Group
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